Cover your bases with this workplace law checklist

Have you taken time to consider your workplace policies and procedures in the new year? This checklist lets you complete a run-down of your business, and address any shortcomings in regards to workplace law, ensuring your employees are taken care of.
SmartCompany Plus users can save each individual checklist to their library, so that they can break up the task and come back to it at a later date.
Are performance management/disciplinary policy and procedures clear and well documented?
Is training in place for managers and supervisors around performance management and discipline procedures? Does this training account for managing a remote workforce?
Is the grievance procedure appropriate for managing complaints of bullying?
Do you have a code of conduct that sets a standard of behaviour?
Are policies and procedures in plain language?
Are policies and procedures legally compliant?
Is a workplace accident and injury response procedure in place and are key people trained?
Is workplace health and safety responsbility training for the board and relevant managers in place?
Do you have an induction plan for all new employees?
Have you reviewed and updated your WHS ‘work from home’ requirements and procedures?
Do the documents refer to Modern Award coverage and classification?
Are the documents compliant with Modern Award and superannuation changes?
Are annualised salary requirements addressed as the Modern Award requires?
Are the employee’s duties to the employer clearly stated?
Are classifications for roles correct in the payroll system?
Are the rates of pay for apprentices, juniors and all other employees correctly recorded?
Are allowances, penalties and loadings correctly calculated?
Are you keeping records of start, finish and unpaid break times for Modern Award covered employees?