Monday 7 November

Today on StartupSmart, we highlight the consequences of working “in” rather than “on” your business.
As Anthony Halprin and Mark Bennedick, founders of events agency Sense Events Group, discovered, the heavy workload faced by start-ups can eat up time that should be spent marketing and developing your business.
Fortunately, the duo managed to turn their venture around with a much-needed relaunch. Today, they explain how they did it.
Elsewhere, mentor Craig Hodges gives some tips on how to use Twitter as a sales tool and Alan Hargreaves reviews Jim Collins management book Great By Choice, to see if it lives up to its name.
A reminder that we are staging a free webinar tomorrow on the 10 Secrets of Young Entrepreneurship. Ready Steady Print founder Joshua Kamil, one of our Future Makers, will join me to impart his advice to fledgling entrepreneurs.
To sign up to the web chat, and get an eBook of 20 top tips from the Future Makers, click here.
Finally, congratulations to Laura Milczarek of NSW, who has won an iPad2 in our ‘update details’ competition.