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Best of the web: Pick your work battles; Dark side of the digital age; Summer job lessons

Picking your battles at work: Everyone has an issue at work that bothers them. But how to address it? And is it worth making a big deal about? Here Amy Gallo explains on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network how to pick your battles and win. Dark side of the digital age: Michael Arrington became […]
Gavin Lower

Picking your battles at work: Everyone has an issue at work that bothers them. But how to address it? And is it worth making a big deal about? Here Amy Gallo explains on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network how to pick your battles and win.

Dark side of the digital age: Michael Arrington became one of the most influential people in Silicon Valley through the TechCrunch website he created that’s become a leading source of information for all things digital. Now he’s fighting allegations he raped an ex-girlfriend and abused two women. Vanity Fair charts Arrington’s rise and how the allegations and his denials have played out online.

Lessons from summer jobs: A job during school holidays is a rite of passage for many people. Jon Steinberg, president and chief operating officer at BuzzFeed, had many and shares in this LinkedIn post the lessons they taught him that he can apply today in the business world. There’s everything from generosity to customers from his time as an ice-cream scooper to the importance of energy and endurance while working in a general store.

Creating a surprising meal: Grant Achatz is the chef behind Alinea, one of the world’s top restaurants. From suspending food on skewers and instructing diners to eat it without their hands to serving dessert ON the table, he’s taken dining out to a whole new level. He tells Fast Company he wants a customer’s night to be one to remember. “We want the customer to be a little confused.”