Unfortunately there aren’t any statistics that allow you to break down by state where your page’s LIKERS are from, however you can use your page insights to tell you which city they are from which, will in turn give you the states.
Below is a screen shot from my Social Rabbit Facebook page insights of our LIKERS. To get here go to www.Facebook.com/insights then click on USERS and scroll down the page to the DEMOGRAPHICS section.
Here you can see which cities people are from, but just a word of warning here – this is taken from the information that people fill in on their own personal Facebook profiles, so it may not be 100% accurate, because when people move they often don’t update their information.
Using Facebook Insights I can see that in NSW I have 316 people from Sydney and 28 from Chatswood, so a total of 344 people. When I compare this to the cities for other states I can see that NSW is the biggest state for my LIKERS.
At the top of the Insights page you can change the date range so that you can actually track how many people (from different places) are joining and when. The image above was for the last week, but DON’T assume that it will stay the same – people will unlike your page from time to time and new people will like it.
It is best to monitor this to see what is happening over time. Then you could use your page posts to target people from a particular state, or use your Facebook page updates to send messages to people in certain places encouraging them to invite their friends.
The more you know about your page visitors, the easier it is to write posts that will appeal to them, to engage them and get them building a relationship with you. Try to make sure that you look at your page insights on a monthly basis to see what people are looking at, where they are from, what they enjoy on your page and what posts are getting good feedback.
Thank you to Jenna Kellaway for this question, and don’t forget to tell me below if you have a Facebook question you need help with.
Lara Solomon is the founder of Mocks, mobile phone socks www.MyMocks.com, founder of Social Rabbit – your guide in the world of social media www.Facebook.com/SocialRabbit and author of ‘Brand New Day – the Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business’. Lara’s business LaRoo was the winner of the NSW Telstra Micro-Business Award in 2008.