Starting the morning well can completely change your day. You are less stressed, more motivated and focused, not to mention happier and more productive.
So what can you do each morning to set yourself up to have a great day? Here are six morning habits that will make your day.
1. Wake up early
Waking up early is a really simple way to add more time to your day. Having an extra hour or two to beat the morning rush, devote to your to-dos or gain more work/life balance can really make a difference to your stress levels and outlook on the day.
2. Do something you enjoy
Starting the day off doing something you enjoy can help you feel more refreshed, relaxed and ready to face the day. It could be reading a chapter of a book in bed, having a coffee while you scan the paper, reading your favourite blog, going for a walk or to the gym or having a leisurely breakfast. Whatever it is that will make you happy before you face the real world.
3. Plan your day
Before you start work, determine what you want to achieve for the day. This will help you prioritise your tasks and stay focused on what is most important. It is also a good idea to work out how long it will take you to complete each task or how long you want to spend on it to ensure you are as productive as possible.
4. Read through your goals
Reading through your goals each morning will keep you motivated and focused for the day ahead. It will also help you to prioritise your tasks more clearly, identify time-zapping activities that are taking you away from your bigger picture and ensure you are taking daily steps to achieve your goals.
5. Deal with emails before normal work hours
Important tasks, meeting requests, deadlines and leads are often hidden in our overflowing inboxes so it is important to stay on top of your emails. To ensure your inbox stays manageable, address your emails before normal working hours commence and more emails start coming in.
6. Tackle the toughest tasks first
There is something quite empowering about getting the toughest and least enjoyable tasks out of the way early. To free yourself up for the day, guard against procrastination and rid yourself of that weighed down feeling when dreaded tasks are looming over your head, complete these tasks first.
Do you have any morning rituals that help you have a productive day?