Every week, SmartCompany Plus brings you The Best of Everything, From Everywhere. This week, the pieces our team found the most interesting covered how to evaluate your meetings, what India’s push for self-reliance means for manufacturing globally, and a feature looking at the return of one-to-one commerce.
Want to know the three best lessons from Steve Jobs? Make sure to check out the last link.
Amazon, Apple buy into Indian manufacturing
As the world’s second most-populated country, India’s push for self-reliance in manufacturing offers opportunities for scale that few countries can.
What are your meetings telling you about your company’s culture?
Four questions you can ask yourself to get insight into your meetings, and the broader effects they have on your business.
The return of one-to-one commerce
As traditional middle-men and their hidden costs are squeezed out, e-commerce is now equal to one-fifths of retail sales globally. How will the remaining trillions be conquered?
Out of all Steve Job’s ideas, these three transformed my business the most
Science shows more time over emails = more unhappiness. Should you reconsider your work practices?