Coronavirus exemptions: ANZAC Day 2020 trading hours explained

We’re almost through April, and ANZAC Day 2020 is around the corner.
But this year is a bit different. A global pandemic is raging, disrupting large swathes of the retail landscape, and in response, several states have altered their trading hour laws under emergency measures.
Here’s a state-by-state guide to when you can and can’t trade on ANZAC Day.
Businesses in Victoria must close between 12.01am and 1pm on Saturday, April 25 (ANZAC Day) unless they’re an exempt shop.
Many SMEs fall into the exemption category though. The restrictions do not apply to stores with 20 or fewer employees working at any one time on ANZAC Day and fewer than 100 employees working at any one time in the seven days prior.
Businesses in New South Wales must close between 12.01am and 1pm on Saturday, April 25 (ANZAC Day) unless they’re an exempt shop.
As with Victoria, many SMEs fall into the exemption category, but the rules are stricter. Only stores with four or fewer employees working at once are exempt, and there cannot be more than two owners sharing in the profits of the business.
However, many of these rules are being sidelined as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year, small bars, hotels and clubs may open before 1pm for takeaway and delivery services (including booze), provided employees have freely elected to work those hours.
Supermarkets have also been exempted, but again workers must have freely elected to work those hours.
You can also apply for an exemption with NSW Fair Trading.
Businesses in Queensland need to fall into one of two categories if they want to trade on Saturday, April 25 (ANZAC Day): exempt shops or independent shops.
A list of exempt shops can be found on the Queensland government’s website, but includes retailers such as butchers, florists, fruit and veg sellers and soap shops. Shops in these categories can trade without restriction.
Independent shops are categorised as being run by an individual, partnership or a proprietary company; having no more than 30 employees engaged in the store at any one time; having no more than 100 employees engaged across Queensland at any one time; and with business not being conducted within a non-exempt shop.
Even so, independent shops must remain closed until 1pm.
If your business doesn’t fit in either category, you’ll have to stay closed.
Due to a coronavirus order issued by Western Australia’s Minister of Commerce, general retail shops in WA can open on the Monday, April 27 public holiday in metropolitan areas, from 8am to 6pm.
But there are no special considerations for businesses trading on Saturday, April 25 (ANZAC Day).
To trade on ANZAC Day in WA, your business has to fall into an exempt category. To be exempt, your business must have a certificate deeming it as a small or special retail shop, which is generally one considered necessary for emergency, convenience or recreation goods.
These include stores such as pharmacies, newsagents, duty-free shops and arts-and-crafts stores.
Other automatically exempt businesses include restaurants, cafes, petrol stations and takeaway-food shops.
South Australia is more complicated than other states.
Unlike many other states and territories, South Australia’s trading hours for retail stores on ANZAC Day are based on the region the store operates in.
Non-exempt stores may trade between 12pm and 9pm in CBD and metro areas, due to special coronavirus trading orders.
Otherwise, exempt stores may open from 12pm on ANZAC Day. Exempt stores in SA are those not located in the Greater Adelaide Shopping District or in Binnum, Grace or Millicent. But if your business is located in those districts, it may trade if the business’ retail floor area is less than 200 square metres.
The state also has a number of default exempt stores, which may trade unrestricted. These include cafes, service stations, hairdressers, and tobacconists. See the full list here.
However, as a result of special trading rules in place for the pandemic, suburban supermarkets will be allowed to open all day, from 2am to 9pm.
Businesses in Tassie may not open before 12.30pm on Saturday, April 25 (ANZAC Day). But there are some exceptions.
These include pharmacies, newsagents, bottle shops, cafes and restaurants, service stations, car yards and real estate agents. Shops that are are part of a large shopping complex, and employed fewer than 10 employees in the month of March, are also exempt.
Businesses can also apply for an exemption from the Minister for Veteran’s Affairs.
Trading hours for retail stores are not regulated in the Northern Territory or the ACT, so do whatever you want.
But, make sure to comply with coronavirus-related trading restrictions and social distancing measures.