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Bloke basics make supermarket Man Isle a winner

Men will no longer have to drag their feet up and down supermarket shopping aisles searching for “manly” items – there’s now an aisle dedicated to the needs of every man.   Westside Market NYC has introduced its first Man Isle, stocked with bro basics such as chips, razors and charcoal.   Ian Joskowitz, chief […]
Michelle Hammond

start-up-idea-dude-foodMen will no longer have to drag their feet up and down supermarket shopping aisles searching for “manly” items – there’s now an aisle dedicated to the needs of every man.


Westside Market NYC has introduced its first Man Isle, stocked with bro basics such as chips, razors and charcoal.


Ian Joskowitz, chief operating officer of the supermarket, says he was inspired to create a space for guys after learning that men were taking to the supermarket more than ever before.


“Generally, the supermarket is set up for women and families… So we thought what can we do to tailor a section for men?” Joskowitz says.


Joskowitz rounded up some of his mates to make lists of a few of their favourite things to see if they could agree on the essential “guy goodies”. The lists were identical.


The specialty aisle has been so popular it had to be restocked three times in one day. Given the success of the Man Isle, why not make your own retail offering more male-friendly?