Cut back on waste

There is usually only one type of green we like here at Taskmaster enterprises, and that’s the green of those crisp, barely-handled $100 notes.
However, we are also big fans of taking a more environmentally-friendly approach to business by putting in place some green practices in our company.
Now, there is lots of stuff you can do around the office, such as reducing power usage, installing more energy efficient electrical appliances, using green power and cutting water usage.
However, if you really want to make a difference to the environment and your bottom line, the place to focus is on waste.
This will take many different forms, depending on the business you are in. All companies should be trying to reduce physical waste (better known as rubbish) through strategies such as recycling, but there are other places you must look too.
For example, if you are in a manufacturing business or similar, cutting waste materials out of your production process will make you more efficient and more environmentally-friendly, and help to improve margins.
Wasted raw materials, wasted electricity, wasted staff resources, wasted time. All soak up cash and environmental resources, and need to be attacked constantly.
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