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Get the clowns in Canberra to notice your business

Long-time readers will know Old Taskmaster tends to be slightly cynical when it comes to our Canberra counterparts. Just a little.   Sure, before elections, candidates promise the world. Taxes will be cut! So will red tape! Major railways, roads and infrastructure projects will be built! Schools and hospitals fixed!   If only the candidates […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

Long-time readers will know Old Taskmaster tends to be slightly cynical when it comes to our Canberra counterparts. Just a little.


Sure, before elections, candidates promise the world. Taxes will be cut! So will red tape! Major railways, roads and infrastructure projects will be built! Schools and hospitals fixed!


If only the candidates remained candidates after they were elected (or at the very least were halfway honest), the world would be a much better place.


Then come Old Taskmaster’s perennial favourites. Politicians promise to be accountable this time, while promises are made to help out small business. Babies are kissed, fluoro vests and hardhats are worn, children’s cancer wards are visited and adorable puppy dogs are cuddled.


And there’s still more than 150 days until the election? Heaven help us all!


Now, sorry to spoil the surprise for you young, idealistic whippersnappers who still believe the system can work for you, but no matter who you vote for, you end up with a pack of politicians.


Did they say Northwest Sydney Light Rail, Rowville Railway, High Speed Rail or Pacific Highway upgrade? It turns out what they really mean is there’s a 20-year infrastructure report that might look into drafting a long-term strategic white paper investigating its viability. Yes Minister style.


Leaking rooves in schools and hospitals? Fixing them is now a non-core promise. Accountability? Turns out that was an aspirational goal. Cuts to red tape? Whoops – the legislation included a hidden clause about bulldozing rainforests that didn’t pass the Greens in the senate. No new taxes or “L.A.W. law” tax cuts? Politicians just straight-out lie about that one.


That said, there is one campaign Old Taskmaster can get behind, and that’s the Australian Chamber of Commerce of Industry’s Too Big to Ignore campaign. The message is simple: with two million small businesses in Australia – employing over seven million people, or over 60% of our workforce – the small business sector is simply too big to ignore this election!


If you run a business, it’s worth taking a look at the website and signing up. Unfortunately, while it won’t guarantee politicians will be honest, at least they might pay attention to your business this time around.


Get it done – today!