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Marissa Mayer’s star turn and do you upspeak? Best of the web reads

Marissa Mayer and the Yahoo! move: Marissa Mayer became one of Silicon Valley’s superstars in her time at Google. When she jumped ship to Yahoo! to resurrect the struggling search engine it shone brighter. A year and a half later, Vanity Fair looks at the results so far.   Upspeaking can drag you down: Ending […]
Gavin Lower

Marissa Mayer and the Yahoo! move: Marissa Mayer became one of Silicon Valley’s superstars in her time at Google. When she jumped ship to Yahoo! to resurrect the struggling search engine it shone brighter. A year and a half later, Vanity Fair looks at the results so far.


Upspeaking can drag you down: Ending sentences with a questioning, upward inflection is a plague on the spoken word, this article in The Spectator says. Known as high rising terminal, or upspeak, it’s argued it could also wreck your career.


Social media and the news: Social media networks have become the new front page and home page for news. With referrals from social networks to publishers rapidly growing, what kinds of articles are users seeing? The Atlantic examines what people are getting from their social media and finds it’s not news.


Affluenza breeds contempt: What is affluenza and what’s it doing to people’s attitudes to the rich? In the US, contempt is growing. And in this article in Salon, they argue the rich only have themselves to blame.