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Ratings system for gym junkies

There’s a website called RateYourBurn that allows users to rate fitness activities. RateYourBurn has a multi-contributor blog, encouraging people to have their say.   “Our reviewers are hand-picked fitness nuts who attend fitness activities around their cities (classes, events, personal training sessions) and report back, focusing on the style and quality of the instruction,” the […]
Michelle Hammond

start-up-idea-gymThere’s a website called RateYourBurn that allows users to rate fitness activities. RateYourBurn has a multi-contributor blog, encouraging people to have their say.


“Our reviewers are hand-picked fitness nuts who attend fitness activities around their cities (classes, events, personal training sessions) and report back, focusing on the style and quality of the instruction,” the website says.


“While you follow our blog, we’re working overtime behind the scenes to bring you something even better.”


“RateYourBurn connects gyms, instructors and clients on a single intuitive platform, allowing users to rate fitness activities and rolling up those ratings to each gym.”


The website shows each gym’s rating based on instruction, so gym junkies can identify the places where they’re most likely to catch a good class.


It can be tricky to tell a good class from a bad one if you’ve never been before, so RateYourBurn allows dedicated gym-goers to make a more informed decision.


Are there other ways in which you can inform fitness fanatics about the services on offer?