Start up the banjos – hillbilly tourism is taking off in Tennessee.
A businessman has turned an open field he owns into Redneck Resort, a country playground focused around the love of mud and big trucks.
The holiday spot offers muddy swimming holes, mud bogs, a mud slip-and-slide, a mud run for trucks and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), a muddy outdoor bar and “mud girls” – the resort’s own dirt-caked cheerleaders.
Jeff Darragh says he owned a spot of land in Sweetwater, Tennessee for seven years and got sick of telling local residents to stop tearing across his property with their ATVs and trucks.
“Then it dawned on me – just charge them. Just tell all your friends to come,” he says.
It’s worth nothing the Redneck Resort isn’t four-star treatment. The only accommodation is tent sites under the shade.
Why not start something similar here? While there’s probably not a huge market for “hillbilly tourism”, some sort of outback experience could be successful.