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Spidey-sense gives t-shirt a real buzz

It seems like everyone is trying to access the huge comic book market these days, with a DC Entertainment executive earlier this month listing five superheroes that deserve their own movies.   While most of us lack the budget to put together a blockbuster rich in CGI effects, this t-shirt is a good example of […]

It seems like everyone is trying to access the huge comic book market these days, with a DC Entertainment executive earlier this month listing five superheroes that deserve their own movies.


While most of us lack the budget to put together a blockbuster rich in CGI effects, this t-shirt is a good example of how you can access the viral sharing potential.


The t-shirt makes Spider-Man’s spidey-sense accessible to everybody, with a motion-sensing device which buzzes when someone approaches.


Which superpower can you make come true? How can you tap into the expanding market of superhero-loving consumers?