Blame TV dance programs such as You Think You Can Dance, but one of the hottest new keep-fit trends is partner dancing made easy.
Celebrities who take to the floor have spent week after week through 2007 telling their audience how much fun they have had and how much weight they have lost. This apparently has encouraged both men and women to take to the dance floor.
One particular type of dancing predicted to be hot in 2008 is Ceroc, developed in the 1980s and owned by Ceroc Enterprises. It is described as a fusion of salsa and swing dance without the complicated footwork.
In Britain, Ceroc now has 500,000 members with 70,000 attending weekly classes at 180 venues.
The British Heart Foundation has also been spreading the word about Ceroc, claiming it is a great way to get fit and good for the heart. Apparently regular dancing reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis because the steps put a strain on your bones, helping them to stay strong and dense. And it is being recommended to people who want to lose weight, as a few hours of dancing can burn around 600 calories.
So entrepreneurs, grab your partners.