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Ben Prendergast

I had so much fun browser-window-shopping last week I thought I’d follow up with 10 more favourites. Dream Christmas wish list I had so much fun browser-window-shopping last week I thought I’d follow up with 10 more favourites. This time, they may not fit under your tree or within your budget, but here goes: 1. […]

I had so much fun browser-window-shopping last week I thought I’d follow up with 10 more favourites.

Dream Christmas wish list

Ben Prendergast

I had so much fun browser-window-shopping last week I thought I’d follow up with 10 more favourites.

This time, they may not fit under your tree or within your budget, but here goes:

1. Dreamcade Arcade Cabinet

Sate your inner 8-year old with this baby! Compatible with projectors and most consoles.



2. Star Wars USB flash drives from Mimoco

Star Wars USB flash drives from Mimoco



3. Sphericle Speaker Set

Sphericle Speaker Set from PartsExpress

4. The Amazon Kindle eBook Reader – the literal iPod.


The Amazon Kindle eBook reader

5. Another sadistic alarm clock

Set 7-days worth of specific wake-up times, including which station/buzzer to set off, and an anti-snooze function.

Alarm clock from

6. A Philips Hi-Res CT Scanner

At this time of year its time to take a look deep-inside and set some priorities.

Philips Hi-Res CT Scanner



7. Noon Solars solar powered backpack.

Get your geek-on and your gadgets charged.


Noon Solars solar powered backpack

8. Akai Headrush guitar loop/memory pedal

For the digital one man (or woman) band.

Akai Headrush - Guitar loop/memory pedal

9. A hard core macbook metal jacket.

For when you’re designing, say, a logo for the Taliban.

hard core macbook metal jacket

10. Christmas night carols

Replete with plasma screen and surround sound.

“Gather round kids, and we’ll play oh come all ye faithful, followed by Die Hard!”

Engadget media centre meets piano

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